Jamal’s LEAP Experience

We are glad to share one of our clients’ testimonials for LEAP (Lifestyle Eating & Performance Program) and other programs conducted by Christine Bou Sleiman (MS R.D. CLT).

My name is Jamal. I am a 68 year old female with lots of health issues. I am pre-diabetic, I have high blood pressure, arthritis, and I’ve had a swollen ankle for over three years. I have heart burn almost everyday and night especially when I indulge in my favorite sweets, bread, etc..I have hard time falling asleep, and most of all I am obese, out of shape and tireEating Healthy Food - LEAP Therapy in Los Angelesd all the time.
I started following the LEAP way of life after consulting with my Registered Dietitian, Christine Bou Sleiman from Healthy Selfie. She was able to order me a blood test called MRT that showed which foods I am reactive to and cause me inflammation.

The first day I weighed myself I was 214 lbs. I started eating the safe foods for me from my own list that shows which food are safe and good for me and I avoided soooo many of the foods I used to eat. It was overwhelming at first, but Christine guided me through it.

I got creative in the kitchen and cooked using the ingredients I am allowed to eat, which was plenty, but some were new to me. To make my story short, I want you to know of my early results: I started August 17,2016. Today it has been almost a
month. The swelling of my ankle and burning sensation was GONE after only three days of starting LEAP. NO MORE heartburn, I sleep through the night, my arthritis aches and pains and burning sensation are much less severe. My blood sugar is under control and less than it was previously, The best part is I LOST 12 pounds in less than a month. I changed my eating habits, Now I can add more ingredients, but one at a time. Christine helped me add one new item each day after the first two weeks. We figured out new recipes and started mixing and matching ingredients to come up with exciting menus.

I encourage everyone suffering from inflammation related symptoms to do the MRT test and follow the LEAP way of life to see the difference. You’ve got nothing to lose and lots to gain: your health. You’ll be in control of your own health and well-being with less medications. Thank you Christine. Keep the good job going on and keep making more people healthy and happy.


Most symptoms of inflammation can be linked to food sensitivities!

To find out more which foods are making you sick, then the LEAP eating plan is for you.
Contact Christine (MS RD CLT) and live a healthy lifestyle


Toll Free: 844 314 1432

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