Do You Have Food Sensitivity?

Do you have a Food Sensitivity?

MRT (mediator release test) for food sensitivities

These are sample results for a patient that had the MRT conducted in order to find out which foods and chemicals/additives caused inflammation in his body.
Just because a food is considered healthy does not mean that it is healthy for everyone. For example, spinach and mushrooms came up as highly reactive for him although they are nutrient-rich vegetables.

I have actually had clients that seemed to feel worse after adopting a more plant-based diet. It turned out that they were now eating a lot more of their reactive foods without realizing it. We were able to make a few adjustments to their diet and get them feeling better than ever.
Sample MRT (Mediator Release Test) - Food Sensitivities

Sample MRT (Mediator Release Test) – Food Sensitivities

The MRT takes the guesswork out of what foods are making you feel sick.
If you are interested in finding out if you have any food sensitivities contact Christine today!


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Looking for Los Angeles Top Nutritionist? call (844) 314-1432 or by email This is a chance for us to get to know each other. We will evaluate your needs and goals, while I will guide you on the right track. I can work one-on-one in person, by phone or video chat for out-of-area clients.


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